Formal Dining rooms are often neglected rooms that aren't used very often but are located in prominent places in our homes. This Chatham dining room is no exception. With a sweeping entrance right off the foyer, it has the potential to be a real show-stopper of a space. 

Initial design boards investigated what type of feeling the room was to possess; bright or moody? Plush or sculptural? All questions that we worked through in the initial design development phase.

The room has an existing chair rail paneling which could be repainted and paired with new wallpaper to add more character to the space.

This board offered the option of removing the existing chair rail in favor of a full wall picture paneling.

After the initial meeting, I created 2 schemes flushed out with full specifications for every item you see on the boards. Each piece of furniture is listed with the manufacturer, fabrics, and pricing providing complete transparency between myself and the client. The moody scheme takes inspiration from quiet, candle-light meals where lighting is soft and conversation intimate.

The second scheme is much lighter and sets the dark, sculptural chairs off against a natural grasscloth wallpaper.

The final design selections focus on creating a rich palette of natural wood and stone accented by the shine of brass and viscose.  We are considering a custom piece of textile artwork for above the sideboard which will be designed after the wallpaper is installed.